Order a custom painting by Chuck Schroeder, Order a custom drawing by Chuck Schroeder, Nebraska custom paintings, custom art, commissioned paintings, commissioned drawings, commissioned Nebraska art, commissioned paintings by Chuck Schroeder, commissioned portraits, commissioned landscapes, commissioned western art, commissioned rodeo painting, commissions list, commissions for painting and drawings, nebraska art collectors

Order A Custom Painting Or Drawing By Chuck Schroeder

Embark on a journey of personalization by commissioning your very own custom piece from the talented artist.

Uncover the essence of beauty and connection through the artistry of Chuck Schroeder with a commissioned piece. Schroeder is proud to offer commissions for paintings and drawings to our fellow collectors and art enthusiasts. We offer the ability for you to reserve a spot on our Commissions list so you can add to your collection. We offer personalized custom pieces and would love to craft something personal for you or someone you love.

Reserve your spot as soon as possible. Fill out the form and Chuck will contact you personally. 


  • 9”x12” sketch – Charcoal/Conte on paper – $150 +
    matting, framing, shipping
  • Larger Charcoal/Conte on paper – $2/sq in + matting,
    framing, shipping
  • Watercolor/ink on paper, any size – $3.25/sq in + matting,
    framing, shipping
  • Oil on canvas, any size, $4/sq in + framing, shipping